23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Child Protection Sunday, 10 September 2017

Child Protection Sunday, the pinnacle event in the parishes to celebrate Child Protection Week 4-10 September, 2017. The theme this year is ‘See Me, Hear Me’, giving a voice to children and young people in relation to what they need adults to do to help keep them safe. Prayer cards available at church doors.

Priests’ Retirement Foundation Appeal Date

9th & 10th September – This appeal is set up with the aim of looking after our sick and retired priests.

The Three ChallengesThis week a video by Most Rev Anthony Fisher OP, Archbishop of Sydney, will be played during mass on the The Challenges.

The covers the coming Marriage Plebiscite. A change in the marriage law has consequences for freedom of religion, including the ability of individuals to live out their faith in everyday life, for Priests to preach and Catholic schools to teach about marriage, and for faith-based charities to continue take a pro- marriage stance. More info: www.coalitionformarriage.com.au

It also deals with the ASSISTED SUICIDE BILL in NSW. During Masses this weekend you will be asked to sign a petition against the NSW Voluntary assisted Dying Bill 2017. It allows persons to access physician assisted suicide. It is impossible to safeguard against abuses and coercion in such legislation. NSW should be working to provide better access to good end of life care instead. You will hear more about this during Mass and there will be volunteers facilitating petition signing afterwards. More Info: www.noeuthanasia.org.au click on Take Action and NSW.

For more in formation see the 10 September 2017 Parish Bulletin (PDF).