Catechist Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral

The Annual Archdiocesan Catechist Mass was celebrated today at St Mary’s Cathedral. Very Rev. Michael McLean, Episcopal Vicar for Education was the Principal Celebrant assisted by many Priests from other Sydney Archdiocese Parishes including our own Parish Priest Fr Jarek Zan OSPPE. Some of our Parish Catechists received Awards for Service as a Catechist. The Cardinal Gilroy Award – for Forty Years of Service was awarded to Elaine Brenan & Cathy Coiera; The Cardinal Freeman Medal for Twenty-Five Years Of Service was awarded to Mimi Romeo & The Apostolic Blessing – for Twenty Years Of Service was awarded to Claudia Perco. Congratulations Catechist! Our Parish is so blessed & proud to have you as our Parish Catechists. We thank you for all your dedication & time you give to the children of the State Schools spreading the Good News & Word of God.