Weekly Notices; 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Upcoming this Month of November:

Monday 9 November
Feast of The Dedication of Lateran Basilica

Monday 16 November
Feast of St Gertrude Patroness of our Parish
Patronal Feast of Our Parish St Gertrude
We will celebrate this Feast in our Churches during the weekend of 14 and 15 November.

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
King of the Universe
Celebrated weekend of 21 and 22 November

Wedding Anniversary Blessings
Wedding Anniversary Blessings have recommenced starting from this Sunday 8 November at the 10:30am Mass.
All Married couples celebrating a Wedding Anniversary during the month of November are invited to attend and receive a Blessing.
Next Anniversary Blessing for December Anniversaries will be Sunday 27 December—Feast of the Holy Family

Thanksgiving Mass for all Volunteers
7:00 pm Wednesday 2 December celebration of Mass and Devotions in St Benedict’s Shrine.


Parish Working Bee and Christmas Decorations of both Churches
Monday 14 December from 4:00 pm Your help is needed even if only for 1 hour.
Be proud – contribute to Decorating YOUR Parish for The Birth of Jesus. Bring your tools


New Church Regulations
The NSW Government has amended the number of people able to attend a place of worship.
The main change is that from this weekend, up to 300 people are permitted indoors, subject to the 4m2 rule.
This means that St. Benedict’s Shrine will now have an increased capacity to 150 people.
St. Therese’s church and Montefano Hall will continue with their current regulations (50 and 90 persons respectively).
Funerals are limited to 100 persons and weddings 150 persons.
Outdoor gatherings are limited to 30 people.
The Archdiocese will be asking the NSW Government to reconsider outdoor restrictions with a view to Christmas celebrations.
We will keep you updated as soon as any new information is given.

During COVID 19 The Working with Children Checks were extended for 6 months by the Kids Guardian. However, now that it has been longer than 6 months there are some Parish Volunteer WWCC now expired. To keep your current WWCC No: it is essential that all Volunteers renew their application. To do this simply go online to www.kidsguardian.gov.au

If you need assistance to renew your WWCC please contact the Parish Office and make an appointment for Mimi on any Tuesday between 10:00 – 2:00 pm.
If you need transport to attend Service NSW Office Tony Coiera has kindly offered to drive people to and from Service NSW.
To renew you will need four (4) ID documents from different categories:
Category 1: Current Australian Passport, Birth Certificate or Citizenship Certificate
Category 2: A drivers Licence or ID Card
Category 3: Medicare No:
Category 4: Utilities Bill with your name on it e.g. Telephone, Electricity, Gas
Please Note: all the original documents you use as evidence MUST be presented to Service NSW

Overflow Mass 10:30 am Sunday
In recent weeks it has come to our attention that the 10:30 am Mass is a popular choice for our Parishioners.
To follow NSW State guidelines and to ensure your access to celebrate Sunday Mass, there will be an overflow Mass at the same time in the Montefano Hall.
Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.

Thank you for keeping us safe!
The Parish would like to extend our gratitude and thanks to all those who are keeping us safe during this time, especially those who are keeping our churches clean and sanitised after services.
Your commitment to keeping us safe is greatly appreciated.

Sacramental Program
First Reconciliation, First Holy communion and Confirmation preparation has been deferred to 2021. Children currently enrolled will be contacted when classes are ready to resume.
Enrolment information and any changes to the programmes will be published in the Parish Bulletin.
The Sacramental Office is currently closed.
For all general enquiries, please email:

Parental Petition – First Holy Communion
The Church has always held the view that Parents are the first educators of their children in the Catholic Faith. Parishioners who attend weekly Mass, are known in our Parish and to our Parish Priests, whose child is of age, and who feel that their child is suitably prepared to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, may contact the Sacramental Office to discuss eligibility for an individual ceremony. Upon contacting the Sacramental Office, a meeting may be organised with the Parish Priest to discuss your circumstances further and a decision will be made at the Parish Priest’s discretion.

Communion to the Sick
The Parish will resume Communion to the sick on a fortnightly basis. The dates for Communion to the sick for November will be Tuesday 10 November and Tuesday 24 November.

Cherry Picking Day Trip to Orange
Come pick your own Cherries Saturday 12 December. Cost $40
Bus leaves St Benedict’s Shrine at 6:15 am Sharp and returns approximately 6:00 pm
Be quick ONLY 50 seats available
To secure your seat payment must be made.
No reserved seating